What do you think when you hear the words "Hand of God" or the name of Andres Escobar? If your heart beats faster just six preparing a desperate need for some World Cup! If there are images on the side of Argentine football player Diego Armando Maradona quickly evoked a controversial goal scored in 1986, when his hand touched the ball, or a tear in the mind of Colombian football in 1994, was killed after accidentally marked your team, still need some good source where you can access scores, schedules and scores for the next part of the world today.
If you are looking for a record of historical statistics or memorable moments from the World Cup that the talks, which are always buzzing around the office, or you're a football fan and are a good place to meet after the upgrade is trying to find a lot you can add kick off on 11 June games can, in the following pages will help you:
Before FindTheBest.com
If you are trying to figure out who won the country where the majority of the world title has, in Brazil or Italy has the highest number of goals per game has been made, which won a total traffic of the league games or more individual players to the Bota Gold for scoring more goals in the tournament FindTheBest.com is your golden ticket.
FindTheBest Why?
Applications FindTheBest World Cup offers a unique interactive table of the World Cup statistics, which are sorted and filtered by the preferences you can. Football fans: Do you know the city has the most World Cups between Argentina, Brazil and Italy? Do you know the championship game went into overtime, based on what you win on penalties? Did you know that the World Cup in 1998 resulted in 171 matches goals scored? You know that year, France defeated Brazil 3-0? Otherwise, it's time to upgrade their data before the big football game. FindTheBest give a single comprehensive history of the World Cup. The best part is that you can compare FindTheBest your favorite teams and statistics from a simple table side by side.
According to Sports Illustrated
Get a little history and a lot of statistics Sports Illustrated Rob Smyth.
Why SI?
Sports Illustrated has made and highlights from previous World Championships. Break the Top 10 most shocking World Cup exit favored teams like Brazil, Argentina, Italy and France. For information on Italy from 1966 to the loss of North Korea against the backdrop of Spain's inability to always reach the semifinals or the elimination of Brazil in the first round in the 1966 World Cup in which SI has received information.
Third Planet World Cup
The facts, pure and simple.
Why Metro World Cup?
Metro World Cup has the answers to questions like: What was the fastest goal ever scored in World Cup? Who is the best all-time leading scorer? Which player has the most goals in a game? When this happens, the fastest hat trick? The answers, respectively: 11 seconds into the match with Turkey Sukur, Brazil's Ronaldo with 15 goals; Salenko of Russia, with five goals against Cameroon in 1994 and Hungary Kiss against El Salvador in 1982, when he scored after 70, 74 and 77 minutes. More facts like these, visit Metro World Cup.
Fourth Planet World Cup
ESPN is the master of reportage, with a broad overview of the 32 teams in the World Cup. Knowing the statistics of your favorite team.
ESPN Video offers statistics on your favorite team's matches and the history of the World Cup. He also updated information on every country in the competition, along with groups that are competing in the games once they started the month degrees, ESPN will also update the scores and statistics on losses and gains in each game.
Fifth FIFA
The international soccer federation. No preparation for the World Cup is complete without a visit to the official website of FIFA. Be sure to get the facts behind the organization all the crazy things football.
FIFA gives you the latest news and reports updated daily on buses, individual players and teams. In addition to the latest behind the scenes deals FIFA.com tickets last minutes, and go for those of you lucky enough to South Africa World Cup, to see the FIFA Web site is an ideal destination, accommodation and travel. FIFA also has news, statistics and photos of each of the 32 teams in the 2010 World Cup.
Less than two weeks until kick, you better start preparing! For those of you who do not care much for football, but love a little 'playful, remember, you can not talk trash if you have any statistics and facts in order to get them back!

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