The first football World Cup will take place on African soil sokkertoernooi. Advertising Borde trumpet in South Africa as World Cup sokkertoernooi Ayoba! "" Cool! "But South Africa will be ready? No one seriously believed that a sport one of them as heroes as world-sokkertoernooi can instantly transform a society divided by byeenkoms ongelykhede, crime and HIV.
But the allocation of management authority soccer organization, FIFA, the cup of the Post-Apartheid South Africa provided the country with the ability to project a positive image strongly. Much

Many seem to hope to correct. Bitter white South Africans in their desire glory lost past, the Europeans see their favorite sport irritating in the hands of the third world, World War Neo-colonists, the mammoths to the plight of the "other" and the glee it leads to argue that Afrikaners can not certainly draw from the extensive task of organizing a major sport in the world Jamborees.
These failures of the genera reënboognasie ignore the changes since the company was rassistiese, the outline of the history is sent is connected by United Doom merchants from the world of sports made arisen.
Together, it is predicted that SA2010 is "a colossal failure." Or, as Dan Nichol letter in the IAF website "All the naysayers who insisted that an African World Cup can not just work."
Gewissel against Afro-pessimists, there is South Africa's Football and FIFA officials that the base that the doubters will be overcome. "Everything is operational and ready," Sepp Blatter, the FIFA chief said recently. "The African continent, the World Cup sokkertoernooi Offer Why do some groups want to believe? The so easy to just trust .."
During an inspection tour of the nine gasheer city earlier this month, Jerome Valcke, FIFA General Secretary, European verslagdoening Media accused of "sowing, said:" Do the World Cup dead before it begins. The unjust and are really sad. "The naysayers have pointed out repeatedly that the ten stadiums will be ready.
While the grass

"Where can a stadium like this anywhere in the world?" Vlack said the "Football Town", where the final will be played. There, 20 years ago, held a mass meeting Nelson Mandela after his release from prison. The organizers expect that the weakened 91-year-old world symbol of freedom and tolerance fit enough to attend the opening ceremony and make a personal stamp on South Africa's transformation from international pariah to the host nation of a united world.
The doomsters foreign fans, how to reach the stadium. Moreover, in the decade and half, since democracy ushered in, the South African government has to overtake gesukkel. Public transport continues to be volatile, often chaotic, and, most blacks are dangerous to rely on private minibuses.
Ignoring the fact that, under the apartheid little to meet the transportation needs of the black majority did. Alternative services, which has been specially for the World Cup sokkertoernooi toe by private operators and concerns of the residents of the wealthy, predominantly white neighborhoods in what has been proposed bus routes designed expressed.
As an accommodation Theres Bugbear. Fear of a shortage of hotel rooms are than the estimated number of foreign visitors fell 450000-350000 revised as a result of global economic crisis and price gouging by the offer.
However, some overseas fans with half-finished hotel or in tents or college dorms have campsites can be established. Those who are not adherents of an African World Cup or the move to South Africa for the tournament comes to what kind of gas, that will be. Especially if the foreign fans, the trip is to make sure.
South Africa has over the years more than 300 million U.S. dollars security, personnel of 55 000 extra police and buy hi-tech surveillance and crowd control equipment, particularly for the competition. More relevant, argues Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu for peace, that the ordinary South Africans to check Cup theyll be successful as each candidate is not recalcitrant offenders do the happy experience of the world football community to reduce.
World Cup 2010 is definitely not the same as the model entered tournament in Germany four years ago. But it can be as attractive. There are complaints about the high prices, tickets, and many will be purchased from flocks of supporters from outside Africa.
If this happens, a European model be accepted. With local fans do not usually the tickets, FIFA and the French organizers of the SA Rugby authorities follow their World Cup three years ago sokkertoernooi - filling stadiums with young and old, fans, school and club players.
These are people who never have and probably never have the opportunity to become a part of the roof of the "People's Game", which can not be on the conservation of those with influence and money does not belong.
It would transform the dominant sentiment of the event in real life in Africa, for Africa a chance to prove how much they are part of the world - in a positive sense. The Oscar-nominated film Victus examine how Nelson Mandela in a different world byeenkoms sport that uses 1995 Rugby, to cure a contribution to overcoming the divisions and wounds of the past in South Africa between the Dutch and Africans.
Just hope that much of their South African World Cup sokkertoernooi the negative image of Africa dekonstrueer. That will help this, to make healthy progress in the first world-third world divisions and the wounds of the past that Europe (after all, the birthplace of the World Game) from Africa.
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