The symbolism of the FIFA World Cup Trophy?
World Cup Soccer & Football Trophy is one of the world's most famous sporting icons, be extended to any sitcom TLN & talk show on the news every day, even on one of the most popular and revered figures presented in the world today, Mr. Nelson Mandela. Now that the countdown to World Cup football match in South Africa began, the small golden statue of two extraordinary people around the world held their arms outstretched and carved very well, was even show up to, in some peoples' dreams!
So what is a dream mean FIFA trophy?
I raised my eyes, "football trophy in the 20,000" Dreams "book, which we see the symbols in our dreams interpreted. The exact phrase was not in the book, so I looked at the various parts of the trophy, including: football, Cup, gold, men are to shape the earth and the world. If you are one of many that the FIFA Trophy have dreams, then you are interested will have to know what that means. (other than the fact that the 2010 FIFA media campaign works very well).
According to analysts dream
Soccer (football or futbol as known) is reminiscent of dreams clever moves.
Trophy dreams are a sign of success and motivation, an incentive to hold serve for the trouble.
Gold metal, the financial aspects of life.
Globe shape, in this case the earth earthly things that need attention, it is often with a larger scope of events.
Symbolizes the human, physical, three dimensional, tangible aspects of our world.
The human figures - a man means an excuse for failure.
Standing (including the two human figures are the trophy) - indicates a confirmation of the convictions.
All this is kind of interesting when you think about the fact that this World Cup held in South Africa this year. How deep! Moreover, if Africa is in your dreams, it is ideas and ideas all right.
So just to clarify whether the football trophy was this great land of gold by two young athletes from the men in our dreams manifest, it could be that we have achieved many things are designed, but must also continue to struggle. It reminds me of the late and legendary Bob Marley, who took many a lyrical combustion strengthen the fight for freedom, in the 60s and wrote 70, 80 and older. To celebrate the Memorial & Bob's funeral was his wife Rita Marley, a baseball cap that said: "We must continue"
How true is that courage and Rita have shown, lead us forward, even when they buried her husband and friend of all worlds. The fight does not end with Bob Marley, but many battles were won and many others have won since. Bob must have been so proud, when South Africa a democracy that all people who live and also where Nelson Mandela was given his freedom was included after decades back locked up in prison. Freedom has been won on many fronts, but as the world now knows, freedom must be fought for again and again.
But I digress. Dreams about the trophy, which incidentally is solid 18 carat gold, representing the financial sector, which is obviously a very important issue, especially when we talk about Africa. Although Africa remains the place on earth where most intolerable misery of the people, violence and corruption are still largely ignored by the conceivable world, Africa is the richest country on earth! If you look at the diamonds, oil and gold in Africa, it is difficult to imagine how this wealth is not what makes his way to the people. Not mothers, not schools or hospitals, roads or public health infrastructure.
As Marley sang 30 years ago, this bucket is not yet finished goin 'to the West ".
The fact that gold in a representation of a globe form has been cast clearly tell us that need the earth and all its inhabitants attention to their physical situation. This little golden country is symbolized by two human figures, which are both standing as a very large support them in their attitude and their rights to defend, while the fact that they are human figures in the first line represents the fragility and made mistakes.
Well, it's incredible! When it comes to Africa, I can not imagine violated a place or a people so in the history of the world. The settlement, detainees and prisoners by the million in North America, South America and the Caribbean Islands and the commercial extraction of resources of all minerals and petrochemicals made, and then not sharing the wealth results. Africa has become a huge market, obsolete and banned products such as drugs, pesticides and processed foods that are not legal or acceptable to dump the "West". A large fortune was made by the "West" through the sale of spare parts, which were inevitably needed to all the old equipment and machinery, which was often repaired "gifted" for an African government as part of the African humanitarian efforts in Western government / economic aid program . Billions of dollars have been made this way.
It is interesting to me that if all this has been discussed for decades, these errors are still in progress. I assume that the two characters of the theme "apology for the error represented," it will be. Every time you hear someone is trying on what may change in order to talk the people and the economies of African countries balance, you always hear excuses for some reason it will never be resolved. "Too many people need help and the world is not enough." "Too many different cultures to meet and unite in common purpose." "Too much corruption in government." The list will apologize, but there is no need to write them all.
So see if you think that little golden trophy football pop up on your TV screen, YouTube videos, magazine covers and photos of the fan is a call to another look at how things take Africa today.
While many celebrities together and unknown heroes to the flood, a global event like the World Cup finals in turn can only act as catalyst for millions of others, to ask this important question:
Who gets all the riches of the population, governments, the incredibly rich resources and the economies of African countries?
If we can hold these people accountable for greed, one can see a time in Africa an

While billions for the tournament for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa this year are spent, we never really know where all the money went, who benefits and who pays the bill?
Well, I think we know, we will pay the bill. Here in Canada, where I live, we have to pay for our area Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. School budgets have been cut, layoffs of government workers, teachers, civil servants and it is only since the end of February. It is a mystery to many, as the people in South Africa could still be used and will be taxed to require the bill for hosting the World Cup, the construction of a large world-class stadium and all new roads and pay infrastructure. It is also one of hope for many, the new light of appreciation and understanding of people in Africa as a result of attention to the world in a positive and festive atmosphere for short distance time in June 2010.
If you are traveling to Africa for the football games, a look at the people, not only to their plight. Although many poorer than we are, "West" could stand for a day you can see the power of love, faith, courage and resilience side of their beauty, music, dignity and compassion. People are the real stars of the event. Do not miss the incredible experience of their culture!
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