Who says we run out of the election of 2010 World Cup Tickets? There is always a choice and many people refused to blind the options we have to see, even the football administrators are also blamed for this ignorance. How can we benefit from this situation we are in the World Cup in South Africa in 2010, our football, our sport and even transform the country in general around? The solution lies in this article ...
We have the situation well understood. If we fail to qualify for the World Cup and heed the call of many people who focus on the 2014 World Cup, thus offering the same thing in 2014 to hear, remember what happened in 2006? Many fans are already thinking of cheap hotel and explore business opportunities for business, especially in the line.
We must be on the football of the parties any rights football fan will say that just enjoy the game when there is no passion in the Annex. That is why we have Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Barcelona and many other passionate fans support these clubs in Nigeria. Personally, I did not look happy playing in the WC 2006 and others will break my heart, if not make it back to the bathroom. And as I said did not go to the toilet is never a solution to our problems. Some Nigerian players agree with me if you really earn in the toilet it is likely that your past.
Thus, to qualify and go to the bathroom, let us see the performance of the gloomy in the qualifying stage, I'm sure many hypertensive Nigerians will be a move to the bathroom with our current form. Go through the unconfirmed reports that the majority of Nigerians (especially young) is working to suffer hypertension or heart disease or another is a true reflection of the state of the nation called Nigeria.
So I repeat once again a choice? The answer is yes. Listen to me first before I was crucified.
My verdict: Amodu sack with immediate effect and bring an interim coach our last game of the qualifying play. Amodu was appointed as coach was a mistake from the beginning. The man committed a technical blunder in every game. He does not know the right combination of players he has to get. He loves a game goes wrong and we are helpless to see the state of the fan or television, technically no entry no. He played just remove it and put it game over. If not, how can a coach going out to openly criticize his players and even say that the opponent was more tactical and technical aspects of the sound? Or do not understand these two words, or is naive in the coaching. He heard how Diego Maradona said on Lionel Messi, despite his poor performance in your campaign?
I keep saying and will say again, we had players who can not go the World Cup and get results that do not do is a team with a coach who discipline and character will wake up in the team and bring their best game every player in the correct position and learn the needs that type of player. What do Hiddinck and Ancelotti to Chelsea FC, when he commissioned? It was not the same player? What to do with England and Capello did the FA of England and even Ghana FA do. Personally I have not seen a coach, except perhaps technically sound indigenous Siasia, but reduced the credibility of the fall in a trap. Let our trainers come itself and improve the courses and try one of them to place under the supervision of Siasia foreign coach.
Thus, dismissal Amodu is the first necessary step in the 2010 WC qualification.
Once the ticket is for sure, we began the service of a world class coach (not to use the low-voltage category Bert Vogt). We let the new coach of Angola Nations Cup test to use and then give us a winning team. And a goal to at least take us into the knock-out stages of the bathroom in South Africa in 2010.
Thirdly, Nigeria to become involved in things like run, because you like it or not, we will become. We must ensure that credible people in 2010, when he was new officers to sit on will be elected on the nff.
Nigerian Football Association event is a topic for another day, we need a strategy for a rapid change things there. Let us use it and qualify in first place.
The Nigerians were processed for mathematicians exchanges and a combination to do. We hope that the market works. The last match in Kenya will not only determine whether we go to the bathroom, will transform the face of football in Nigeria.
Which of us do not qualify, then we still ignore it and continue with the plan, but without the path toilet.
We have no choice but to support our team for this rapid change. Like it or not eligible will be difficult not to agree the game in Nigeria toilet. So what can we do to be a member of the cause of providing a solution? They call it patriotism or whatever, nobody can easily deny his own. We are sad and hurt, it's for sure, but what we do now?
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