Note: While the information in this article in accordance with the situation in South Africa at the time of preparation, real potential threat to personal security will vary and depend on the place, me and TI's individual profile. We recommend that you obtain professional advice in any case should be considered in danger.
General visitors SWC in 2010 is primarily concerned about the risks following areas:
* Crime
* Terrorism
* Infrastructure
Accidents *

* Natural disasters and interruptions
Health risks *
As in any large city in the world, it is essential that visitors should be aware of high risk or "No Go", where they are exposed to relatively higher than those in safer areas.
In South Africa, unfortunately, carries a negative element the unacceptably high crime rate, with negative effects on quality of life for all South Africans of all walks of life. Despite the fact that the level of crime varies between different parts of the city, it is essential that everyone remains vigilant and informed at all times.
Below is a list of simple practical measures that can contribute to your personal security and safety:
* Upon arrival at an airport, use only the official designated institution. It is also not advisable, all informal taxi service is available to accept, but to the established "think" professional taxi or shuttle services.
* Do not leave unattended large amounts of cash, cameras, camcorders and cell phones in sight and objects.
* Do not let strangers in any way to assist in automated teller machines (ATMs) or within the banks.
* Pay attention to the advice from your local computer or on where to go after dark. Do not go alone and take special precautions in solitary confinement viewpoints, especially at dusk or after dark.
* For those who prefer self-drive:
and at all times, not leave valuables visible in the vehicle;
Be alert, or at intersections and traffic lights and watch for suspicious characters near the road;
Or keep your car windows closed, especially when driving alone in the car;
O night, park in a secure and well-lit room.
Or not for anyone trying to stop the vehicle be used when there is a traffic or police officer. Rather than continue to the nearest police station to your destination and back to a place busy enough public;
Do not pay money or corruption, or "gifts" on an official. If the crime was committed the traffic, demanding private ticket for the official version, which was the necessary data of the official exhibition include the ticket;
o Do not drink and drive!
* Street children and beggars alms approach can. Many advises social workers to give money to children, as is usually more to a specific person, or used to buy drugs. If you want to do good, but to donate food or the alteration of a registered charity.
* Keep copies of all your important documents and valuable in a safe place.
Report Security Incidents
Report a security incident in one of these numbers:
* 112: any emergency from your cell
107 *: any emergencies arising from fixed-
* Private security services in your area, such as ADT 0860 100 911 or +27 (0) 11259-3501 (Headquarters)
* 10 111: South African Police Service (SAPS)
The realistic threat of terrorism is, unfortunately, for every important event in the 2010 World Cup is one of the largest in the world. However, Interpol, to do the South African authorities and related organizations do not consider the risk of a terrorist attack during this event to be weak.
There was a current threat of a shadowy existence splinter group in North Africa al-Qaeda group to address some of SWC in 2010 hits, but the threat lacked credibility and substance. As with all other risks, we strongly recommend that the threat levels should be monitored more the issue.
One major concern for a number of years now is the limits of the infrastructure in South Africa. 2010 SWC Organizers stress that they are comfortable with the construction of infrastructure, but:
* Key infrastructure projects are ongoing or too late or, for example projects to upgrade a number of major highways and access roads and the Gautrain project, a high-speed rail link between areas of interest Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Johannesburg * Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is provided by the taxi industry in question. Buses need to be protected from police escort to ensure their safety and the general circulation is often associated with illegal activities carried out disturbed taxi rand.
* A number of transport experiments were carried out during the Confederations Cup in 2009, but apparently not with limited success.
general feeling in regard to the infrastructure of the 2010 SWC seems to be very skeptical. We strongly recommend that visitors should be aware that the longer journey times are or may be required by 2010 one of the centers of SWC or popular shopping and leisure center.
According to authorities, there is a reasonable likelihood that the 2010 SWC tournament be interrupted or be touched by two main sources, namely the union strikes and protests''service delivery.
Some of South African Trade Unions threatened strikes and other forms of industrial action before or during the 2010 SWC tournament, which may cause significant and widespread disturbances. It remains highly unlikely that the action would have a direct impact on online games have. However, there is negative impact on visitors would, the segments of the transport and hospitality are affected.
The second risk is the form of recent protests Service "delivery", in South Africa is the poorest settlements increased. The goal of the state mass protest alleged poor care. The violent protests were mostly isolated but also for the affected communities. Therefore there are no significant risk to the planned 2010 SWC games.
There seems to be a real guarantee for all South Africa key players, including politicians, trade unions and other parties to make a success of the 2010 SWC tournament. We know, however, strongly recommended that visitors should obtain the latest information on one of the areas you wish to visit.
Natural disasters and interruptions
South Africa has a mild climate and natural disasters is usually only seen very few. The country also offers a relatively modern jurisdiction disaster response.
Beyond all the disastrous events or exceptional problems of the electricity that should be taken place in 2008 solved. Each stage, as most hotels, hospitals and other centers also have their back-up power supply installed.
Health risks
Health risks in South Africa are classified as moderate and can be managed effectively through basic practical measures for prevention.
Emergency services in the country and private medical facilities are on par with the best in the world. The rules in state hospitals, however, are questionable.
Food can be established by each restaurant, supermarket or purchased in the store with an absolute minimum risk. Tap water is safe for human consumption in all major cities. Health facilities and sanitation in rural areas are not the same level as in the cities and are part of most health risks. If in doubt, use bottled water.
Various forms of viral or bacterial infections introduce risks. As every visitor tournament Details and locations of tourist facilities and vehicles throughout the country with tens of thousands of visitors from different countries is strongly recommended that a professional medical advice before seeking the trip to South Africa. It may be required to inoculation (s) receive against flying or other forms of infection be.
South Africa has one of the highest HIV / AIDS infection rates in the world. We strongly recommend that you practice safe sex with your partner and avoid all forms of sexual behavior, including paying for sex.
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